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  • welcome to

    Terrington Church of England VA Primary School

    Love, Learn and Grow Together



    Pupils will:

    • Develop a vivid imagination portrayed through their Speaking, reading and writing
    • Expand their vocabulary and knowledge of phonics, spelling and grammar
    • Select literary devices to meet the needs of their audience and purpose in each text type
    • Foster a love of reading for pleasure across a range of contexts showing their appreciation of the entertainment values of written work
    • Confidently articulate their reading with expression, accuracy and fluency
    • Express their excellent understanding of communication skills by listening and responding in discussions
    • Captivate an audience through their story telling skills to excite and engage
    • Respect opinions through debates, collaboration with others and whole class discussions
    • Strive for excellence through the presentation of their work


    We have:

    • Carefully curated a mixed age long term plan tailored to pupils needs and interests following ‘Literacy Shed’ scheme of learning
    • Ensured a varied range of text types, genres, authors and topics are covered throughout English text and whole class readers
    • Differentiated planning to meet the needs of all pupils to ensure they thrive within mixed age classes
    • Explicitly taught vocabulary to enhance pupils understanding of etymology
    • Embedded English National curriculum objectives throughout foundations subject to ensure clear cross-curricular consolidation
    • Daily phonics and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) in small group teaching
    • Guaranteed daily reading opportunities for reading for pleasure in each class each day through careful timetabling
    • Employed a drama specialist to deliver tuition to all pupils
    • Conducted KS2 plays to the local community
    • Supported staff with specialist knowledge through CPD opportunities
    • Enhanced pupils understanding of careers in English through career fairs and guest speakers
    • Dedicated time to hold reading workshops, enhancements days and guest speakers to enhance our curriculum


    Our pupils will:

    • Make good or better progress.
    • Be confident, imaginative, engaged and resilient learners.
    • Have a secure understanding and tolerance of diversity in our community and the world
    • Have a rich vocabulary and strong understanding of the English language both written and verbal
    • Display a love of reading and writing for a purpose
    • Be fluent readers who seek out different genre of books
    • Understand the benefits and necessity of English in other areas and are ready for the next stage of their education
    • Have an awareness of professions linked to English

    Schemes of Learning

    Literacy Shed
    English scheme of work
    Literacy Shed – Reading
    Vipers and Comprehension
    Letter join
    Handwriting scheme
    Little Wandle Phonics Scheme
    Spelling Shed

     Pupil Voice

    Here is what our pupils have to say about their English learning:

    • Y6 Pupil – ‘’I like writing long narratives over a long period of time because I get to be imaginative.’’
    • Y4 Pupils – ‘’We get to use our imagination.’’ And ‘’ We write letters and stories’’
    • Y1 Pupil – ‘’We practise our handwriting every day so we can improve.’’

    Knowledge progressison